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Next Board Meeting

July 9 at 5:15 p.m.

The Future

  • Route 66 display with map, attractions, postcards, and more

  • New museum arrangement

  • Courtyard for Displays and Events

Completed in 2023

  • Interactive Displays

  • New display signage 

  • Painting of mineral cases

  • New mineral displays

  • QR codes

What we are working on at the Museum in 2024

  • New heating and air conditioning units to replace boiler and chiller (City funding)

  • Updating additional mineral area displays

  • Adding educational area

  • New signage

  • Quilt display

  • Archive work

  • Processing room update

Help Us Grow!

Your support is important to the success of the museum which is measured by its collections and the impact of its exhibits.

Membership Opportunities

Student Membership
  • Unlimited Free Entry for one year
  • Invitation to member events and exhibit previews
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Personal Membership
  • Unlimited Free Entry for one year for up to four family members that you list
  • Invitation to member events and exhibit previews
Family Membership


  • Unlimited Free Entry for one year for up to six family members that you list
  • Invitation to member events and exhibit previews



Convenient monthly payment plans

The Joplin History & Mineral Museum is dedicated to the preservation and exhibition of artifacts related to Joplin's history.


If you have an item you would like to donate to the museum, please contact us at (417) 623-1180 or        e-mail us at to discuss your gift.

Patron Membership


  • Unlimited Free Entry for one year for up to six family members that you list

  • Invitation to member events and exhibit preview

  • Website recognition

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